Three-Thirteen Rummy is one of the many popular Rummy card games. Like most Rummy games, players draw and discard to form Melds in their hand. A Meld consists of a Set of 3 or more cards of the same number, or a Run in numerical sequence of 3 or more cards in the same suit. Some of the unique features of Three-Thirteen are:
- A game consists of 11 Rounds.
- In Round 1 players receive three cards. In each subsequent Round players receive one additional card, up to thirteen cards in Round 11.
- In each Round the card number equal to the number of cards in a player's hand is wild. For Rounds 9-11, Jacks, Queens, and Kings, respectively, are wild. Wild cards can be used to represent any card in the deck.
- When a player achieves a hand with all cards in a Meld (goes Out), the remaining players get one final turn to improve their hands before the Round ends.
Three-Thirteen Rummy is available for iPhone and iPad. In the app you play against 3 AI opponents. Complete Rules For Play are included under the "Information" button.

See CrowsNest Card Game, another App by this Developer.
See Just Cribbage, another App by this Developer.